Monday, May 20, 2019

Monroe Sample

Project-Based Learning (PBL) starts with a Driving Question followed by an inquiry process as students organize their thoughts. They then choose how to solve the problem and present their findings. PBL encourages students to devise their own solutions about issues/problems rather than look for someone else’s solution.

Blended Learning is a model that weaves classroom and online instruction together. Many blended classrooms rely on a robust teacher website where teachers can post activities for students to complete or create online. Blended learning often uses adaptive online learning programs that can increase skills and knowledge, freeing the teacher up to work intensively with smaller groups.

Flipped Instruction switches up the instructional model of the classroom. The traditional model where students practice at home without assistance and receive content in class is flipped. Instead, students receive the content at home (normally by video) then the teacher reinforces the video and asks students to apply what they learned in class. The teacher is there to support and extend the learning.